Posted by: John Cartwright on
1 - Jun 16, 2010 at 7:20:42 am
Hi Jerry
We luv your work mate. Will be bring more Aissie Route 66ers thru town on the September 1 2010 so keep going with the paint brush Y'all
American Dream Route 66 Cruze
Posted by: Sean Evans on
1 - Jun 11, 2010 at 8:53:08 pm
Hi Jerry- I have enjoyed you publications and artwork for quite a while. This is a very nice web site! If you are out on the road in Arizona, I would like to invite you to visit our exhibit ("Route 66 in Arizona: Don't Forget Winona!"). It will be up through the end of July- meanwhile check it out at:
Meanwhile- keep up the great work. Your art brings much to the road and those who enjoy it!
Posted by: Richard and Drew Bledsoe on
1 - Jun 08, 2010 at 1:01:34 am
Hi Jerry, stopped by to say hi on 5th but you weren't around. I just wanted to say that the EZ66 Guide got me from San Diego to Santa Monica all the way to Funk's Grove where I had to cut west to get home. My Xterra was loaded for bear with possessions that I was taking home before I ship off to Japan for two years. Route 66 was something I planned later on and then decided I would do it now since I'm stashing my X at my parents' place in Illinois. My brother was an afterthought that started as a joke by my aunt but I decided it should be a shared experience. Sadly, we rushed it in 6 days and I found that we set our sights a bit far on a few occasions but we made it safe and fine. But you are right, the charm of Route 66 has made me decide that in 2-3 years when I return to the States and if I'm stationed back West, I will most certainly drive '66 WB and take a couple weeks at least to do it. But, at least I can say I'm familiar with the road and I've picked out a lot of things to see and do next time. Thanks Jerry!
Posted by: James Mahery on
1 - May 21, 2010 at 12:39:59 pm
Just stoped by to say hello and to say your book EZ66 Guide nice thanks
Posted by: Jerry and Vestina Bickel on
1 - May 21, 2010 at 2:59:22 am
Hi Jerry, we completed our Route 66 travel yesterday from Chicago to Santa Monica by using your EZ66 Guide. It took us 2 weeks. It was a pleasure meeting you at your studio on 5/10/10, loved your paintings. EZ66 was the only book we used. Thank you for writing the book.
Posted by: Pat and Jack Utrie - Green Bay. Wi. on
1 - Apr 26, 2010 at 9:50:26 pm
Hi Jerry, February of this year my husband and I decided to drive Route 66 from Chicago to as far as our marriage would last!! We took several books and maps along the way including EZ66 which became our major resource for the trip. We loved the uniqueness of the 66 museums along the way. Our first was in Pontiac,Il. and then our wonderful visit with Gary Turner at Paris Springs. When we got there we were asking for marriage counseling and in a strange way we got it.What a fun visit!He gave us so much information (all of which we used) along with candy treats! God love Gary Turner. He told us to look you up when passing through Chandler. We did look you up to have you autograph our book but no one was home so we proceeded to the Pioneer History Museum and the Armory..Great place and nice people as were all athe people on Route 66. Then on to Pappa's BBQ..Thanks for the tip..the food was great and we gave you the honors for being there. Infact that is what this letter is all about. You helped make this trip so enjoyable. Since I drive and my husband navigates we really relied on you fun approach to travel. It was like being on a Monster Treasure Hunt! We stayed on the ROAD as closely as we could and where it existed. Loved the red brick roads in Il. and the 9' roads, the small town squares. wow!The giant alerts. There were alot of businesses not open because of the time of year but we stopped and took pictures anyway. We took our time and drove a little over 2 1/2 weeks to get to the Santa Monica Pier! We were overjoyed..did a high five, got our pictures, walked the pier to the ocean, and got out of there as fast as we could about 7:00 p.m.and drove to Barstow, Ca. What a wonderful feeling to have completed the big trip the best we fact getting a feeling of ownership on it. We also found that some of the cafe's or businessesthat were closedon the way outwere now open on our way East. Had to stop and get a "mid-point bumper sticker" in Adrian and a steak at the Red River Steak House and much more. All these visits were such meaningful experiences. WEll, as you can tell we did arrive home after being on Route66-The Mother Road- The Will Rogers Highway for a little over 4 weeks. We made so many wonderful discoveries and new friends because we knew what to look for and where to find the special niche's. Thank you for your book and we are sorry we missed you and seeing your Gallery. You have a great family history with the the highway.
God speed!
Jack and Pat Utrie-Green Bay,Wi.
Posted by: Theo Nielsen on
1 - Apr 22, 2010 at 3:00:27 am
Jerry, love ur paintings! Is it still possible to get a copy of the one with the T Bird at the Roadrunners Retreat? I LOVE that one, I found it(on the internet) after we had been to that site several years ago. Keep up the good work! Hope to visit ur place someday. Theo & Lisa Nielsen BC, UTAH
Posted by: Tom McNally on
1 - Apr 15, 2010 at 3:33:53 am
Hi Jerry, It was great to run into you the other day at The Munger Moss Motel in Lebanon, MO. Thanks so much for the EZ66 travel guide book. I sure apprecaite you sending the photos you took of our Scenicruiser bus. Maybe you would consider doing a Greyhound Scenicruiser painting! They sure beat up and down the route way back when. Take care. Tom McNally- Peoria, IL. 4/14/10
Posted by: Dave Morris on
1 - Apr 14, 2010 at 5:00:41 pm
My son and I began a multi-year Rt 66 adventure two years ago. Inspired by a large print of an Andreas Feininger photo that hangs in our family room (taken on Rt 66 in Seligman, AZ in 1953 and pub'd in Life magazine), and by his love of cars and the road, my son talked me into this trip. It began two years ago, when he was 10. We drove Chicago to St. Louis that year, and last year, St. Louis to Tulsa.
We average 120 miles a day on Rt. 66 itself; the low mileage is due to stopping often, side trips, etc., all of which have been expertly facilitated by your EZ 66 guide. We started with the first edition in 2008, then found the 2nd edition in the middle of last year's drive at the Mule Trading Post in Rolla (finding that was the high point of my day).
With few exceptions, we make an effort to cover all possible alignments described in your book. Without it, I'm sure we would have a good time, but we'd miss out on a lot.
This year, we're traveling the last week of June, beginning in Tulsa and we hope to end in Albuquerque (after covering both the direct route and the Santa Fe alignments). I hope you are in Chandler when we pass through; I'll call ahead to see if that's the case.
Again, my heartfelt thanks. Your book (appreciated for both its information and its artistry) is on my lap, my son's lap, or the dashboard at all times during our drive. I have many books about Rt. 66; most are used for preparation for the drive. In contrast, yours is our constant companion.
Thanks from me and my son,
Dave and Carter Morris
Posted by: Allan Wesemann on
1 - Apr 01, 2010 at 1:14:37 am
Hi Jerry, I was the planner of our trip on R0ute 66 in May of 2009 we were the four PT Cruiser's from Portland, Oregon.Just checking in to say hi. Also what would I have to do to have a painting done by you with my car front of one of the old gas stations? My wife and I are thinking we might make a trip out your way again, most likely base ourselves around Chandler and do day trips from there just to see more of the areas that we missed in OK. With a must stop and your gallery and Rock Cafe have to meet Dawn. So take care hope to hear from you soon. Allan and Mindy (Cruzin M&M)