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Posted by: Roley Kingston on 1 - Jul 31, 2014 at 8:18:28 am
Hiya Jerry,
just purchased your book through Amazon. I will be passing Chandler in Dec this year. You better bloody be there to sign it as its a long way from Perth, Western Australia.. haha.Last year we drove past Roys Cafe etc and through 66 in Barstow, Helendale etc.We drove from Vancouver, Colorado ,Utah etc. This year we land in Dallas, zig zag up to Milwaukee, then the 66 way down to Dallas again. Should be a fun drive. hope to meet you in Chandler.
Cheers, Roley.

Posted by: Julie on 1 - Jul 31, 2014 at 1:53:10 am
Hello Jerry,

We may have made our acquaintance already. I believe that you are the gentleman I emailed a couple years ago, or maybe last year, about the old Whiting Brothers service station in Barstow CA. My father was the motel manager there in 1983-1985. We lived in the small adjacent house behind the service station. I was only eight going on nine during the time that we spent there. I am currently writing a memoir of that year, my father stayed on an extra year when my mother took my sister and I back up to Northern California. Barstow is not a place for most people, she being one. I have since been fascinated with Whiting Brothers motels and their history. My grandparents ran the motel in Gallup NM and were very close friends of the Whiting family. I am curious to know if you have other pictures of the Barstow facility. I love the one you have posted on your site, but would love to see more, if you have them.
Thank-you for your time,

Julie Adams

Posted by: Patrick, Philip and Tina on 1 - Jul 31, 2014 at 1:09:59 am
Arrived in Los Angeles last night after two weeks of doing Route 66 starting in Chicago. Throughout the trail your book was of invaluable assistance. We attempted as many of the side trips as possible, and the giant alerts particularly amused us. The turkey tracks was one of our more amusing stops. The maps and directions helped us in many tight spots. We passed by your home town but unfortunately it was late on a Sunday evening and thought it best not to disturb you. Thank you again.

Posted by: John Tall on 1 - Jul 27, 2014 at 7:08:09 pm
Posted by: John Tall on 1 - Jul 27, 2014 at 8:15:04 am [remove] - [] Hi Jerry
It's always been a bucket list item to do 66. Preferably on a motorcycle. Well the chance came last month, but by rental suv as we would be taking a grand daughter and niece with us. I'm here to tell you that I think it was better this way the first time since I navigated while the wife drove. I believe we were able to get in my sites than had we went on a bike and we were left to my wife's non-navigating skills. After a few days on the road, i figured out the book was not exactly in the order you would see things (looks like they were doing the trip headed which case the text is unavoidably slanted towards the westbound orientation..McJerry). So i started reading a couple pages ahead because we made numerous u-turns the first few days. I coupled the book with the gps files I put on my computer and the Good Sam gps to try to see most everything. Now that it's done, my wife and I will still be planning to bike the route one day. Our house to Chicago, 66 and then back home. 19 days and 5750 miles. I'd do it again tomorrow if I could. Too many good folks along the way we would like to visit with again.

Posted by: Bill and Susan Ballerstedt & family on 1 - Jul 15, 2014 at 5:37:27 pm
It was great meeting you as we traveled the 66 portion of our 5,600 mile trip around the US. Thanks for your hospitality and for your EZ Guide which helped us find fun places we would have otherwise missed!

Posted by: Peter Savage on 1 - Jul 14, 2014 at 12:29:05 pm
Jerry - I felt I had to get in touch my wife, daughter and myself have just come back from the States (live in UK)where we navigated Route 66 using your guide! (and survived to tell the tale)

I have to tell you it has been one of the most fantastic experiences of my life - we used your guide in conjunction with a restaurant/diner selection as seen on either man versus food or diners, drive-ins and dives which added to the fun and indigestion!

We spent a total of 15 nights but feel we missed a lot and took some additional side trips off the route (Grand Canyon & Vegas).

I have to say it was a special time for us - loads to learn and see

Regards - Peter,Debra and Amy Savage

Posted by: Robin L. Hardy-Groce on 1 - Jul 10, 2014 at 6:11:46 pm
Hello! Traveling the "Mother Road" has been a dream of mine since I was a tot..... I am now 51 and we are finally taking a month to make this dream come TRUE!!! I am over the moon with excitement!!! We are making this great American roadtrip in my Buick and we are leaving from our home in Auburn NH this Sat morning!!! Love everything on your site and am thirsty for all things 66 and nostalgic and Americana! Thank You!!!

Posted by: Bob Brown on 1 - Jul 05, 2014 at 11:38:05 pm
Hi Jerry,
We met back in 09 when I and 14 other Corvettes stopped by your gallery and then we drove to the Rock Cafe in Stroud for lunch. I'm driving my 59 back across country starting next week and will be coming through Chandler next Saturday the 12th. If time permits, I'll stop by and say hey.

Posted by: Bryan Ford on 1 - Jun 30, 2014 at 3:30:29 pm
Hello Jerry, We purchased your EZ66 guide during our stay at The Blue Swallow to aid me in our eastward migration home. Excellent guide. Thank you very much for the excellent detail given with regard to routes,re-alignments, and bridges. I felt like a kid on Christmas moring as I eagerly awaited my arrival to the next concrete or pony bridge. I really enjoyed driving down the old routes, or at least veiwing them as we passed by.
We stopped in Chandler to see your gallery but may have missed you as it appeared to be closed, Saturday morning of 6-28.
Thanks again for your great work.

Posted by: Julian Dellar on 1 - Jun 14, 2014 at 10:36:16 pm
Hi Jerry, just wanted to let you know that my wife and I used your guide book as we drove through Missouri today - what a delight, it was perfect, thank you.