For readers of the EZ 66 Guide for Travelers, I have provided free online updates to help keep your Route 66 experience as current as possible. As you might imagine, Route 66 is constantly undergoing changes, some good, others not so. Businesses open and close, roads are re-routed and street names change.

Please check back here just before your trip for the latest info. Entries are dated as to when they were added.

If you wish to purchase your own copy of the EZ Guide, please go here.

EZ 66 readers have been helpful in keeping me keep the guidebook updated in between my own road trips, so if you discover something that needs to be addressed while on your journey, please let me know!

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hOLBROOK AZ on Oct 08, 2024 at 4:03:41 pm [Print]
I suggest you check the room first at Brad's desert Inn after a recent report.

RICH HENRY'S RABBIT RANCH on Sep 27, 2024 at 1:28:55 pm [Print]
Now that Rich has passed away, his family and a friend are trying to keep his attraction accessible to visitors. His friend opens when possible (phone number on door), otherwise respectful visitors may walk about the outdoor displays.

Palomas to Montoya New Mexico on Sep 22, 2024 at 7:11:20 pm [Print]
The OPTION between these points( see NM page 5) floods in heavy rain. Check ahead, and use the main route on 40 if in doubt (especially if driving an RV or motorbike (even if dry...this stretch has a narrow "tunnel" under I-40 at the eastern side and is not recommended for such vehicles)..

bump Bug ranch moved on Sep 04, 2024 at 1:38:45 pm [Print]
Bug Ranch has expanded and moved from Conway TX to the RV park just west of the Big Texan in Amarillo on the I-40 north frontage road. ONLY paint the cars...NOT the sidewalks, etc!

66 CLOSED AT WELLSTON...USE LOCAL DETOUR on Sep 03, 2024 at 7:09:12 pm [Print]
UPDATE: GO TO EZ66 GUIDE TO ROUTE 66 on FB for a MAP of this detour.

After 71 years of carrying Turner Turnpike traffic over Route 66 on the east side of Wellston, OK, this battered and rusty old overpass (and the stretch of 66 that passed under it) is now CLOSED.

This closure will last about a year while they build a temp road to carry all 4 lanes of heavy I-44 traffic off this antique structure, then tear it down, build NEW spans, revise the off/onramps, etc.

But the good news for Route 66 travelers is that the brand new paved LOCAL detour is open and is an easy to drive 3 miles (plus 1 more mile to head back east on 66 so you can visit Butcher BBQ and follow 66B (original 66) thru Wellston (downtown murals and restored Captain Creek Bridge).

The city of Wellston encourages you to take the local detour. There is even a sign posted for westbound traffic at the closure that tells you to use the local detour to get to Butcher BBQ and On Cue in Wellston.

Ignore (but see below) the OK 66 DETOUR signs at US 177 or HWY 102 and continue on 66 to the marked local detour. It will take you about 7-9 minutes or so (depending on if you catch the stoplight controlling traffic over a narrow bridge). Don't speed (traffic may be impatient with you).!

This shorter detour is NOT FOR BIG HEAVY TRUCKS AND RVs. There is supposedly a weight/size limit, but not yet posted. If you are in something big, use the 30 mile detour via US 177/US 62 and OK HWY 102, or use I-44/Toll Rd, but check beforehand for the status of off/on ramps at Wellston.

AMARILLO ROADWORK AFFECTS CADILLAC RANCH on Aug 29, 2024 at 7:06:53 pm [Print]
here's another detour/closure in Texas that i am jusy now getting notice of (began earlier this month).
There is ongoing construction to replace the Hope rd bridge over I-40 on the west side of Amarillo (at Exits 62A and 62B).
This will last into 2025, and will, intermittently at times, affect the following:
# I-40 westbound frontage road from Helium Rd to BL-40
# Westbound BL-40 to I-40 frontage Rd exit ramp
# I-40 westbound entrance ramp from hope Rd
# I-40 eastbnound exit ramp 62A to Hope Rd
# I-40 south frontage road from eastbound exit ramp 62A to Hope Rd intersection
# Eastbound exit ramp 62B for Amarillo Blvd
Whew! Got all that?

If you follow the directions in the EZ 66 Guide along Indian Hill Rd you SHOULD (we hope) miss all the construction (see map TX page-14)
You can then cross over I-40 at Arnot Rd and head back east to visit Cad Ranch, then U-turn back to Arnot Rd (this is what the official Cadillac Ranch FB page recommends. Not sure how easy a turn around in a big RV or towing a trailer would be. Therre IS a wide pull-off along the frontage road for visitors.

At times, access to the 2ND AMENDMENT COWBOY, east of Cad Ranch at the intersection of Hope Rd and the South side I-40 Frontage rd may be impaired by construction.
Curently there is other roadwork on I-40 in Amarillo. Best to use 66 (as in the EZ 66 Guide) thru town.

McLEAN TO ALANREED TEXAS DETOUR on Aug 29, 2024 at 2:58:40 am [Print]
Yet another detour. (waiting on news of status in Feb 2025)

On TX-page 6, to get to Alanreed from McLean (or visa versa) you will need to follow BUS 40 west out of town to join I-40 westbound (EXIT 141) and take the interstate to Alanreed (EXIT 135).

EB, join I-40 at Alanreed via EXIT 135 and take I-40 to Mclean (hopefully the overpass for the EASTBOUND off ramp from I-40 to Bus 40/66 into McLean will be open. If not, use EXIT 142.)

The I-40 overpass between Exit 141 and exit 142 is being worked on, so they have closed the access road to old 66 below, necessitating the detour, which may last 6 months.

See the map of the DIRT 66 OPTION on TX page-5. This detour does not affect using Hwy 273 to drop south to CO RD BB (it DOES block CO RD 26, buit that is not part of the option).

Thanks to Brady and other good folks from the TX 66 Assoc!.

RICH HENRY IL page-21 on Aug 19, 2024 at 10:22:00 pm [Print]
Sadly, our friend Rich Henry of Henry's Rabbit Ranch in Staunton, Illinois has passed away. This is a huge blow to Route 66. He will be mourned and missed by people around the world who had the pleasure of meeting him and his rabbit mascots.

The disposition of his collection currently on outside display is unknown. If you visit the Rabbit Ranch for now, please be respectful to his family and avoid trespassing on the property.

construction between Wellston and Arcadia OK on Aug 19, 2024 at 10:09:47 pm [Print]
There is paving work currently on 66 just west of Wellston. Also, work continues from near Luther towards Arcadia.

MOTORCYCLES should use caution.

Barstow museum closed on Jul 22, 2024 at 1:50:22 am [Print]
The Route 66 Mother road museum in Barstow is back open under new management